On these pages, we pay tribute to the people who order, edit, and schlep so many pages: our amazing orchestra librarians.Gordon Cleland, Niagara Symphony

Alan WillaertOCSM President Robert Fraser remembers Alan Willaert

interview with Jaime Martino on advocacy for the next generation of female conductors.

An interview with Jaime Martino on advocacy for the next generation of female conductors. 

Musicians of the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony, May 11, 2024 at St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Kitchener, conducted by Andrei Feher The last seven months have been a season like no other for the musicians of the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.

Tamsin Johnston, oboist, Regina SymphonyTamsin Lorraine Johnston on classical music’s hot new thing, its impact, and how orchestras might respond.

Robert Fraser previews the 2024 OCSM Conference in Kitchener, Ontario.Bob Fraser VS headshot 2022

Christine Guptill bio photoChristine Guptill on occupational therapy for mental health

Christie Headshot with books and flute

Carolyn Christie on her path from OSM musician to mental skills training specialist

Tamsin Johnston

Tamsin Johnston (OCSM 2nd VP and Regina SO Delegate) shares her perspective on the millennial generation and its relationship with unions.

Unions and millennials share values, but where is the millennial voice in these organizations? What are unions doing to ensure millennials are heard? During the 2021 federal election, I spoke on the phone to Tria Donaldson, the NDP candidate in my riding, and she shared with me this: younger people have to be convinced that they have a say in their future. They will only get involved in a way that makes a difference to their communities if they feel their efforts will be recognized and taken seriously.


The Edmonton Symphony and Calgary Philharmonic performed together on Nov. 10 at Calgary’s Jack Singer Concert Hall and the following day at Edmonton’s Winspear Centre. Thank you to the many musicians who contributed photos!

A view from the harp section at the Winspear Centre